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                          Program Structure:                         


Tuition: $1800 live online/$2000 in person (limited space)

18 Classes Total

Register Here

*You may choose to opt-out within 30 days of the first class and receive a 75% refund.* 
*After 30 days, no refunds will be given*

                            Class Schedule:                            

*All Classes are from 10:30am - 3:00pm CST (Central Standard Time)*

*All Dates are for the 2024 - 2025 Program*

August 3rd, 4th, 10th

September 7th, 8th, 14th
October 12th, 13th, 19th

Winter Break
January 4th, 5th, 11th

February 1st, 2nd, 8th
March 1st, 2nd,8th

If you have questions, please contact

                          Detailed Schedule:                         

*All Classes are from 10:30pm - 3:00pm CST (Central Standard Time). Syllabus subject to change.*

August 3, 2024: Opening Ceremony

Opening Ceremony

Curanderismo and Becoming a Healer

Introduction to Apache Teachings: Dress and Ceremonial Clothing

August 4, 2024:

Introduction to Medicinal Plants of Texas and Mexico

Preparing for Winter - Colds, Coughs, and Herbal Combinations

August 10, 2024:

Altars, Ceremonial Fires, and the Four Directions

Candles - How to Use Them

September 7, 2024:

Mal de Ojo, Susto, and Working with Emotional Release Work in a Traditional Way

Introduction to Limpias: How to perform Limpias

September 8, 2024:

Working with Flower Spirits
Herbal Preparations for Internal Use

Preparations for Babies and Children

September 14, 2024:

Limpias for Babies and Children

Cleansing by Water, Smudging, and Herbs

Making Dream Catchers the Traditional Way

October 12, 2024:

Stone People; Crystal People

Prayer Clothes, Tobacco Bags, and Healing with Smoke

Sprouting Seeds

October 13, 2024:

Healing with Obsidian (Part 1), and Ancestral Healing

Native Drumming, Shadow Work, Cord Cutting, Limpia Review 

October 19, 2024:

Digestive Systems and Empacho, Teas, and Tinctures
Traditional Fermentations
Diabetes, Mouth Wash

January 4, 2025:

Immune System, Mushrooms

Essential Oils for the Home

Healing with Obsidian (Part 2), and Surgery

January 5, 2025:

Medicine Making for the Nervous System

Depression and Anxiety

Las Sobadas (Part 1)

January 11, 2025:

Medicine Making for Women's Health

Children's Health, Herbal Care for ADHD, and Oils and Salves

February 1, 2025:

Medicine Making for Men's Health

Prostate and Back Pain

February 2, 2025:

Las Sobadas (Part 2), Ventosas
Chronic Pain, 

February 8, 2025:

Importance of an Herb Garden, Weeds, and the Moon

Limpias (Review)

March 1, 2025:

Summer Care - Heat Stroke, Insect Bites, and Bug Repellants
Agua Frescas

Herbal Preparations for External Use

March 2, 2025:

Parasites, Funguses
Compresses and Poultices

March 8, 2025: Closing Ceremony

Viruses, Bacterias, and Infections
Medicine Wheels and Stories

Closing Ceremony

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